Perforated RNA Sampling Cards
RNASound(TM) RNA Sampling Cards were impregnated with proprietary lysis solution that lyse cells, release and stabilize RNA on the card at room temperature for at least one week. RNA are easy to be recovered by simple shaking elution. ReadyPunched(TM) design enables easy push out of perforated disc.
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) uses RNASound(TM) RNA Sampling card as an integrated tool for West Nile virus sample collection, transportation and viral RNA extraction workflow.

LyseNow(R) Perforated Cards are thick
filter paper card treated with proprietary chemicals to preserve DNA/RNA integrity at room temperature; suitable for for all sample fluid sample matrices, including blood. Suitable for RNA and DNA sample collection and extraction. Each card has seven perforated 3 mm discs for easy detach with pipette tips, wrapped around with cover; individually packaged in 2'' x 3'' zip lock bag.

RNASound(TM) Blood RNA Cards were impregnated with proprietary lysis solution that lyse cells in blood or tough samples, release and stabilize RNA on the card at room temperature for at least one week. RNA are further recovered by using any of the standard RNA extraction methods.

LyseNow(R) Strip Cards features proprietary lysis buffer impregnated filter paper discs that are assembled between two layers of transparent PET sheets and spaced out to align with one row of a 96 well plate format. The filter paper discs lyse cells or E. coli, or other host cells on contact, release plasmid DNA, pathogen DNA, or RNA for easy
extraction; transparent card allows for the easy alignment of the discs over rows of 96 well plate, the discs can be effortlessly pushed down to 96 well plate wells with sterile pipette tips; nucleic acids from the host cells, plasmid DNA, pathogen DNA, or RNA, can then be easily eluted off with 10 minutes shaking. Elution can be used directly for PCR or sequencing. In one instance, more than 700 bp high quality sequencing data were generated with CE sequencing from lysates of overnight culture harboring a 14 kb low copy number plasmid. LyseNow(R) Strip Card produces little plastic waste and no any chemical waste at all. Up to 96 colonies can be processed for PCR ready DNA extraction in about 30 minutes.